
Customize our CRM as per your,

Here is a Solution for your Business modification. Use custom fields, buttons, and layouts as per your prospect.

Standard Features

All these points are available as wellknown across all our packages.

Unlimited Records

There is no limitation's on creating customer records it's depends on you that how much customers you wants to manage.

Unlimited Automations

You can send emails on new leads, create projects, route tickets, track sales movements and even generate personalized PDFs to send.

Custom Roles and Permissions

You can also control what actions users can perform, such as importing, exporting, deleting, etc.

Data Export

Export your data in Excel format. You can export all data or filter to matching records or select the records that are to be exported.

Data Import

Import data from CSV, Excel or integrate with other application to automatically capture useful information. Define default assignee and values, handle duplicates and create standard File columns to CRM Field mappings.

Custom Fields

Make as many custom fields as you need. We have got more than 20 types of fields. Control which fields are mandatory, key fields, quick create enabled and mass editable.

Multi Channel Communication

Reach out to your customers over there preferred communication channels like Email, Whatsapp, SMS, Phone. We have ready integration with over 20 communication service providers.

Duplicates Prevention

Set duplicate prevention rules based on combination of fields. Also, during import you can define how duplicate data has to be handled, to nbe skipped, merged or overwritten.

History Tracking

In every business it is very important to keep track of the updates so that you don't miss out any vital information.So here you can track you past details.

Mass Edits and Conversion

You can easily select a list of records and edit them in one go. All your workflows will get triggered as records get updated. Organize Leads into campaigns and convert qualified Leads one go.

Menu Editor

Organize Menu items into various categories. Control which items must be displayed on Menu and which one should be hidden. Create shortcuts for quicker navigation.

Invoice Management

Invoice management is essential to prevent delays and errors in receiving or paying for goods and services, keep track of sales/supplies, and prevent waste and delays.

Layout Editor

Create custom blocks and organize your fields in blocks. Re-arrange fields and blcoks with our Drag and Drop layout editor. Re-arrange related information tabs and various preferences.

Approval Flows

Create multi level Approval flows and automatically trigger them. Keep an eye on pending approvals, notify users for approval, gather rejection notes etc.. Such as when a discount applied on Quote.

Escalations and Alerts

Set turnaround time on Sales, Tasks, Projects, Tickets etc. and define actions to be taken for timely resolution such as sending notification prior to approaching deadline or escalate to reporting manager.

Role based dropdown values

Along with ability to create custom dropdown values and colours, you can also control which Roles can access the values. You can also restrict the values in dropdown based on a parent field.

Custom Reports, Dashboards

Visualize, Agreggate, Drill down, Plan and get clear insights on your data using Pivots, Customer Tabular and Chart Reports and ready made widgets on Dashboard.


You get 100 GB of storage space organization wide. Organize your related documents, arrange in folders, upload files, in built Excel editor, MS Docs editor.

Can't find the right CRM?

Our CRM is a powerful tool that can help businesses of every size.


Get all of your Business Leads, Opportunities and Invoice in one place.

Take your Business to the next level.

Our experts will help you with getting started